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Showing posts from July, 2017

Giving Clearer Instructions

The article I read this week ( "Research Makes Robots Better at Following Spoken Instructions" ) does not directly reference anything that has to do with ESL students. However it made me think about the directions I give in class and how my ESL students may perceive them. One thing I find myself doing constantly (for all students not just ESL students) is repeating directions. Whether students did not understand the directions initially and need further clarification or whether the student was not paying attention and has no idea what I just said, I repeat myself constantly. I have tried to combat this by always having printed directions or directions posted on the board but still the problem persists. Enter technology. With easy recording ability, technology now allows me to create “How-To” videos before class starts and share them with my students. Instead of waiting for all students to quiet down and verbally explain the instructions in-front of the class, my stude